Be Aware | When utilizing financial primitives online, it is paramount to be comfortable with personal management of operational and economic security and understand all of the risks associated with such a product.

Summary of Risk Assumptions

You will find below a brief descriptor of the generalised risk that is associated with depositing into Reflect Protocol. Continue scrolling to read the extensive full notice of Risk Assumptions.

Smart Contract Risk

the nature of smart contracts means they are often targets of cyber theft. This is an inherent risk when depositing funds on the blockchain.

Exchange Risk

Reflect utilizes on-chain DEX’s to enable its delta-neutral primitive via deposit of collateral - however, this means adopting all risks associated with these external programs.

Funding Rate Exposure

Reflect Protocol is exposed to the funding rate of its host DEX and, therefore, is exposed to the risks of negative funding days. Our research indicates that LST-based collateral more than rectifies any historical down days amongst exchanges on average.

Collateral Risk

Since Reflect supplies the DEX with Liquid-Stake Tokens exclusively as collateral, it is paramount that confidence in these collaterals remains as premier as possible.

Full Length Notice of Risk Assumptions

All Risk Assumptions laid out in the Full-Length Notice are subject to change and review. Depositors acknowledge and accept all potential risks facing their collateral as outlined in the notice.