ReflectRMS (Aurora)

Aurora is an Autonomous Risk Monitoring Service (aRMS) with Generative Risk Scores that are algorithmically calculated and posted onchain. It is designed to systematically archive and index onchain data points that are relevant to the operational and economical security of the Reflect Delta-Neutral Protocol.

Bringing risk management onchain with Aurora.

Aurora v0 introduces a first-in-industry Autonomous Risk Monitoring Service for Delta-Neutral Protocols that is deeply integrated with its onchain program.

The node collects tens of thousands of data points daily analysing these with complex risk scoring models that are then automatically posted onchain similar to how oracles post prices. Then the Reflect Program is able to react to the perceived risk to collateral with things like insurance claims without the need for governance.

Systematic solutions to risk powered by Aurora.

Hyperspeed Data Collection

Aurora collects data as fast as it is posted to Solana providing an edge in onchain risk management efficiency.

Algorithmic Risk Scoring

Aurora uses proprietary risk scoring models derived from onchain data.

Risk Oracles

Aurora posts Risk Scores onchain along with their scoring model. This is used in the Reflect Program.

The AuroraRMS Development Stack.

Aurora uses a majority Rust Language development stack with the introduction of PostgreSQL. more details below:

The Rust Programming Language

Rust is used in the operation of an actix-web based server with tokio aysnchronous runtime. sqlx connects the server to the database and manages db functionality.


PostgreSQL’s advanced indexing and efficient query execution, combined with Rust’s concurrency model, enable ultra-fast data storage and retrieval, making it ideal for high-performance risk monitoring.

Anchor - Sealevel Framework

anchor-lang is used to develop the onchain binaries for hosting oracle posted data in a verifiable way.

The Aurora long tail - AuroraValidatedService Nodes.

Aurora AVS are still in development with our partner restaking platforms. please check back at a later date.